Friday, 1 April 2011

LIS Research Coalition - Online Survey

It is now over two years since The LIS Research Coalition was established (see the history page) and a review of its value and impact has been launched. 

To encourage a wide contribution to this review, the Coalition has designed an online survey that can be accessed at this link.

The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete. It will ask you to comment on your familiarity the Coalition’s work, your assessment of its activities and achievements so far, its value to your work, and your comments on plans for the next 12 months.

As an Information Professional I am pleased to support this review and urge you to respond to this survey, which will remain open until 17.00 on Friday April 8th 2011. 

Please encourage your colleagues and networks to respond too. 

The review is being undertaken by external consultants Sandra Ward, Beaworthy Consulting and Ian Wooler, IDW Ltd.

Posted via email from stephendale's posterous

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