Govloop (a US-based community for public sector staff) had produced a useful Infograph showing all the 350+ open government projects, clustered according to the sponsoring agency. Something that could be adopted maybe for UK open government projects (or has this been done? Show me!) has shared a great infograph that answers the question, “How Many Open Gov Projects Are There (and How Do You Find Them Fast)?” According to the post, “Last year, former Deputy CTO for Open Government Beth Noveck reached out to GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler about leveraging the energy of community members to complete a gargantuan task: read through all of the Open Government Plans and compile a list of the hundreds of projects named within them. We had already created a dataset with all the Open Government Plans (which happens to be our 3rd most popular dataset, by the way), so we felt up to the challenge.”
The story continues, “Fast forward to a month ago. By now, Beth had departed the White House…and Angie finalized the dataset with all 350+ open government projects. So Beth connected us with the GOOD guys (and I mean that literally – special shout out to Casey Caplowe and Oliver Munday). Our goal was to create a useful visualization that made it easy to find the data and they’re kinda known for their great infographics.”
Read more at semanticweb.comThe final result: “an infographic that helps you find all 350+ open government projects by agency with a few quick clicks. The circles/numbers represent the numbers of projects at an agency – click on them to see a list of the projects. You can also find projects according to the three open government pillars: collaboration, transparency and participation by clicking on those words in the vault.”
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