Thursday 14 October 2010

MurderMap - London Homicide Mashup

Well spotted by my colleague Conrad Taylor, a new geospatial application that plots more than 400 homicide cases reported by court reports and the Old Bailey's archives. Something for the 'gruesome violence' mashup category maybe. You can even do deep dive query's according to the type of murder weapon used, e.g. ligature, knife, gun, etc. I'm not quite sure of the utility of this app, though possibly useful for the housing market (am I moving to/living in an area where I'm more likley to be shot or stabbed?).

"Maybe it shows there is a fate worse than death and it is to be mashed up afterwards" CT.

"Murder Map... which launched in May, uses web application Google Maps

to plot more than 400 homicide cases, based on news agency Central News'

court reports and the Old Bailey's archives."

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