- Going mobile: Information and knowledge on the move
- Social media: Exploiting knowledge in social networks
- Building a framework for the future of the information profession
- New frontiers in information management
- Search and information discovery
Details about the programme and speakers will be announced shortly on the conference website.
We are still seeking some input to the 'Going Mobile' track, and specifically on the creative use of Apps for mobile devices (e.g. smart phones or tablets). If you have delivered an app that can demonstrate value to the user or more effective and efficient services for the provider, and you'd like the opportunity to showcase the app (or apps) to our global audience of information professionals, then we'd like to hear from you. Typically the app might be:
- an e-book lending service
- a location-based app for reporting problems
- an app for paying for a council service, e.g. parking.
- an app for health
- ....or something that no-one else has thought of!
Please respond to this post if you have a story to tell and would like a featured spot in the conference.
Many thanks.
Stephen Dale
Conference Chairman
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