I will be running a session on the 'Knowledge Hub' at the the Local by Social Online Conference this Wednesday 3rd November, 3pm to 4.30pm (GMT). See more details below about the Online Conference. A brief synopsis of the Knowledge Hub:
Knowledge Hub will support service improvement, efficiencies and innovation across local government. It is a “Web 2” social media development and offers opportunities to foster greater collaboration across the sector and wider use of digitally based information such as open and linked data. Knowledge Hub builds on the successful Communities of Practice (CoP) space with over 75,000 registered users and is considered the most advanced online practitioner group in the public sector. Access to the new environment will allow councillors, officers and practitioners across the public sector to take advantage of new media tools and techniques for knowledge sharing and improvement.
More than just an IT solution, the KHub is a far-sighted social media resource that could lead to a major cultural change in the public sector.
The Local by Social online conference is just part of a wider strategy to support local government and its partners in using social media to improve services and knowledge sharing across the sector. The following abstract from Ingrid Koehler explains:
The Local by Social online conference is showcasing a range of digital innovators in local public services. Social media: Citizen and council strand has a range of brilliant speakers covering the breadth of how social media is being used to innovate and improve local public services and engage citizens more broadly and deeply.
And this is only one strand of the conference! The other cover the use of social media for better knowledge sharing and practice development within the sector and the use of open data for transparency and improvement.
How does this work? ‘Speakers’ will provide material in advance and will then be available to answer questions and engage in discussion. But really they’re only there to prompt discussion. This conference is about you! Your experiences, your challenges and your solutions to share with colleagues across the country and around the world. Or you can just listen and learn. Sign up to the conference and you’ll be alerted to speakers who interest you and round-ups of key content, so you never miss a thing.
Great post,
It's a good impressive post. I like this. Thanks for this nice sharing.
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