Sunday, 5 September 2010

Google Launches Blog Finder by Topic

I hadn't appreciated the significance of this announcement from Google, but having tried it I think it could open up a major new search facet. I gave up on Technorati some time ago (I've maybe missed some history here as to why the Technorati blog index is so limited), but a comparitive search for the terms 'linked data' on Technorati brought back 57 results; on Google Blog search I got 516,000 results - which sounds a bit more realistic. Of course, I can't vouch for the relevance of all these results having only tabbed through about 5 or 6 pages, but from what I saw the results were pretty much what I was looking for.

So, if you missed the stealthy release of this announcement from Google, go try it out now. It certainly gives another dimension to real-time search. I'm impressed!

Amplify’d from

Google has quietly launched a new feature: search for blogs on any topic. The company announced the new type of search in a weekly round-up of search updates last week, and respected SEO blogger Bill Slawski argues that the launch may be related to a new Google patent.


How to Search Google for Blogs by Topic

The Google Blogsearch service has for a long time surfaced a small number of blogs related to any search query, above the list of results from a search of blog posts, or entries. This new search is different, though, and surfaces different results.

Do a search on the general web search interface, Then, click on the "more" link in the left-hand sidebar if "blogs" doesn't already appear as an option. Once you're looking at blogs from this perspective, then a new option will appear in the sidebar: search for posts or blog home pages related to your query.

Now that the sun has set of the Technorati blog directory, and no one has done as good a job in its place as it once did, it's great to see a new option at all. The fact that full-text search is the method employed here, along with some patented analysis of the sites, is great. The patent that Slawski points to, (Indexing and retrieval of blogs, filed September 2005), "describes how it may create a 'hybrid document' about a blog out of information from both XML feeds, blog posts, and pages linked to from those feeds and posts such as profile pages," he writes.

That great. Add some ranking, some OPML export, and then we're really talking.

Long live blog search!


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