Thursday, 27 May 2010

BIS semantic web project is canned

Statement from Sit Time Berners Lee and Prof. Nigel Shadbolt would indicate that the cuts do not affect the Make Public Data Public initiative, and that the momentum for release of non-personal linked data via portal will increase. So, it's not all bad news.

Posted via web from stephendale's posterous

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Are you a Somebody?

There are four people: SOMEBODY,  NOBODY,  ANYBODY and EVERYBODY.

There was a job to be done. EVERYBODY was asked to do it.

EVERYBODY was sure SOMEBODY would do it.

ANYBODY could have done it but NOBODY did it.

SOMEBODY got angry at that, because it was EVERYBODY’s job.

EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it.

NOBODY realised that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it.

It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what EVEREYBODY could have done.

The moral of the story? Try not to be somebody!

Posted via email from Fragments

Friday, 14 May 2010

Facebook Finally Calls Meeting on Privacy Strategy « Black Web 2.0

I guess when you have over 400 million users you can afford to be arrogant - as Facebook is clearly demonstrating. Yes, there has been a flurry of news about people closing their accounts, but this represents a fraction of a percent of the total user base. I think the whole privacy thing is lost on the majority of users, not helped by the unnecessarily complex settings on Facebook. However, continued bad press like this - warranted or not - is not doing the company any good. That other company that 'does no evil' must be loving every minute of this!

Posted via web from stephendale's posterous

Equal Benefits From Yoga or Drinking

Research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does !!!

Posted via email from Fragments

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Cultivating Knowledge Through Communities of Practice

My thanks to Jesus Matinez Marin and the organising committee for inviting me to address the Congreso Internacional EDO 2010 Conference in Barcelona (12-14 May). I only hope that I didn't cause too many problems for the Spanish and Catalan translators who gave a real-time audio translation to the audience. I am particularly honoured to have been included in the official book "Nuevas estrategias formativas para las organizaciones", which (relying on Google Translate)  means "New training strategies for organizations".

The presentation I gave is available on Slideshare and embedded below.

I very much appreciate the hospitality shown to me during my stay in Barcelona and look forward to continued collaboration with the Generalitat de Catalunya Department de Justicia as they develop their knowledge management strategy.

The presentation I gave looks at the phenomenon of Communities of Practice in the public sector and how they can develop into effective knowledge sharing and learning environments. Topics I covered included:

  • What is a ‘Community of Practice’ (CoP)?
  • Moving from conversations to collaboration
  • Community culture and behaviours
  • What makes a successful community?
  • Measuring success and the elusive ROI
  • Lessons learnt from deployment of CoPs in UK local government.


Other links:
Generalitat de Catalunya - </a><a" style="" /> Blog

Posted via web from stephendale's posterous

Monday, 3 May 2010

Couch potatoes to get active with Google TV?

The days of sitting zombie-like in front of our TV screens may be coming to an end. Google TV will integrate social media with traditional broadcast TV, enabling viewers to interact in real-time with what they see. The possibilities are endless - not only being able to instantly critique what we are seeing, or sharing our opinions with friends, but maybe even influencing the storylines of our favourite soaps?

Posted via web from stephendale's posterous